Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA

Lisa Raskin, PhD (Chair)
John William Ward Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, Amherst College
Meiram Bendat, JD, PhD
Founder and President, Psych Appeal; Adjunct Professor, Stanford University School of Medicine
Robert DeNoble, MBA
Advisor/Consultant to Innovative Healthcare Companies
Arlo Ellison
President/CEO of Reliable Silver Corporation
Gary Gordon, MBA
Adjunct Professor, Mercy College; Retired Investment Strategist
Nina Gutin, PhD
Clinical Psychologist, Co-Chair: Coalition of Clinician Survivors
Laurie Hall, JD
Lawyer at Goulston & Storrs
Dwight Jewson, PhD
Partner, Act3Holdings
Katherine Kennedy, MD
Clinical Professor at Yale School of Medicine; Chair of the Council on Advocacy and Government Relations for the American Psychiatric Association
Michael P. Krupa, EdD
Clinical Psychologist, Founder and CEO Emeritus, TaraVista and MiraVista Behavioral Health Centers; CEO TaraVista HealthPartners
Kimberlyn Leary, PhD
Executive Vice President, Urban Institute
Associate Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital
Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School
Andrew Lustbader, MD, FAAP
Associate Clinical Professor, Yale Child Study Center
Nancy McWilliams, PhD
Visiting Professor, Rutgers Graduate School of Applied & Professional Psychology
Julia Moore, MPPM, LMHC
Executive Coach and Therapist
Jack Po, MD, PhD
Founder of Ansible Health
John Santopietro, MD
Physician-in-Chief, Hartford HealthCare Behavioral Health Network; Senior Vice President, Hartford HealthCare