Online IOP for College Students and Emerging Adults in MA

General Articles and Interviews

The Fight for Mental Health Parity

Published on:
March 8, 2023
Eric M. Plakun, MD, and Kate Gallagher, PhD, were interviewed for the American Prospect piece "The Fight for Mental Health Parity."
(from the publisher)
"Kathryn Gallagher, a staff psychologist at the Austen Riggs Center and an insurance and utilization review specialist, told the Prospect that she is disturbed by some of the profit-driven strategies that insurance companies use on patients. Gallagher has watched how companies perform “audits” of high-utilization, high-billing patients whose needs deviate from industry norms. Companies claim these audits are in place to prevent fraud and abuse; Gallagher believes they are in place to disrupt treatment and ration care. Investigations triggered by undisclosed in-house algorithms can create substantial stress for patients and providers, at times even resulting in repayments of previously granted reimbursements."